vRA 7.x Certificate Replacement Process

vRA 7.x Certificate Replacement Process Certificate for component "website" on node "<node name>" will expire on <date> Certificate for component "ManagerService" on node "<node name>" will expire on <date> Seeing the above message in your vRA vami interface, that means its time to replace your vRA ssl certificates. This post will cover the vRA 7.x cert replacement process. Certificate Management in vRA 7.x has been simplified and is all performed from the Certificates tab of the VAMI interface: https:<vRAFQDN>:5480 -> vRA -> Certificates A distributed vRA will have three main certificate components: vRA cert itself IaaS web certificate IaaS manager certificate !! In a simple install with a single IaaS web server the Manager and Web component will share the same certificate!! You have two options when choosing a certificate: Self-signed certificate generated by vRA itself Certificate Authority Signed certif...